Friday 29 June 2012

DIY celtic heart knot necklace

A while ago, I wrote about making a scarf out of an old t-shirt. Since then, my mom has gone gangbusters making and even selling these scarves. I've been a bit slower to adopt this as my latest craft-of-choice, but I have been working on a few new options for the scarves, which I'll share shortly.

What I do have to share with you today is another use for those strips of old t-shirts I cut up for the above scarves: a celtic heart knot necklace. You could use any heavy string or cord, but I had lots of t-shirt strips lying around and they work perfectly. These are fun and simple to make, and pretty to wear for the summer.

I found the instructions on Clones 'N' Clowns - it looks very complicated, but then all of a sudden it's done, and in less than a few minutes you have a cool new necklace. I have one I wear almost every day, I made one for my friend, three for Ella and her friends, and even Ella's teacher got one as part of her year-end thank you gift.
(Merci Madame, it was a great year!).

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