Tuesday 10 July 2012

Our new kayak

Progress on my summer bucket list is just chugging along. One of the biggies was buying kayaks and using them as much as possible. Well, I'm happy to report that we are now the proud owners of a new Perception Impulse 10.0 kayak.

We went to Suntrail Source for Adventure where we got great service... even though our guy kept calling Ryan "Brian". We were overwhelmed by the selection, but instead of our usual "let's think about it" (ie., driving away empty-handed and then proceeding to analyze our decision, or lack of decision, for the rest of the summer) we decided to just buy one basic, entry-level model. If it turns out we really like kayaking, we can get another, maybe better model next year.

Our new kayak!
The almost inaugural ride.
(Ella and I had gone out earlier when everyone was napping,
so there was no one to take a picture.)
Ryan's already getting ideas about how
he can get into trouble with this new toy.

In other bucket list news, I have picked a straw hat (thank you for your opinions), have signed up for a 21-day meditation challenge through The Chopra Center, and the first batch of home made mango popsicles have been devoured. More on these and other summer activities to come soon - stay tuned!


  1. Awesome! It looks so fun!
    Which hat did you pick?

  2. Sounds like you are speeding through that list. I love to go out on a kayak - even a beginner like me can do it and it is so peaceful.
