Monday 30 July 2012

Random thoughts

Sorry I haven't written in a while. I've had lots of ideas running through my head, but nothing that's been worthy of an entire post. But it's been a week since I last wrote and I'm still staring at a blank page, so I've decided that I'm going to treat you to the random bits and bobs that have been floating through my mind lately.

  • I'm all for being green, including the concept of litterless lunches for the kids. But as I was standing at the sink the other night, washing one of the 8 million pieces of plastic containers we own, I did start wondering how much the benefits of zero waste lunch initiatives are offset by increased water consumption for all the washing required (not to mention all the time I begrudgingly spend washing all that plastic over and over).
  • We're crazy about the Olympics in our house and we've got Ella hooked. I like introducing her to the idea of competitive sports and I figure the Olympics will give us some good opportunities to discuss a few life lessons along the way. What we've learned so far? That Mr. Bean is still hilarious.
  • Time for me to 'fess up: I have sippy cup envy. Every time I'm at the park, I'm checking out what the other little kids are drinking from. I just can't help it - they all look more interesting than the ones we have. Truth be told, the selection of sippy cups these days is a little overwhelming ... and unnecessary. Because Ryan could care less (at least at this age) whether his sippy cup is cool enough. Although that's not going to stop me from running out to get one of those neat flip-straw-top kinds tonight.
  • I think I've discovered the next big thing for coffee shops - infused sugars. I stopped at a little boutique coffee shop on the way to the park with Ryan the other day and when I went to doctor up my much-needed coffee, I found three pretty containers of infused sugars - lemon, vanilla and cinnamon flavours. I tried a few spoonfuls of the vanilla-infused sugar in my latte - delicious!
  • Finally, I think we broke some type of record this weekend. On Sunday, Ella was in her bathing suit pretty much all day and managed to hit three different wading pools/splash pads/swimming pools. She then ended the day soaking wet in our backyard after a silly game with the garden hose. Now that's what summer's all about!
And that concludes this week's episode of: A Peek Inside My Head.

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