Thursday 16 August 2012


We're up north enjoying another relaxing week at the cottage. It's amazing how being here decreases the importance of things like daily showers, early bed times and blog writing. Instead, I've been spending my time trying to find dry beach towels, keeping Ryan from doing face plants in the water, more crafting and watching sunsets.

Seriously, the sunsets here are spectacular. We're located on a small point of land facing west over the water, so there's nothing blocking our view. Even though the sun sets every single day, it never fails to amaze me. Some days the sun is just a ball of red that sinks smoothly below the horizon, while other days it shows off beautiful shades of orange and plays hide-and-seek with the clouds. Just last night we were treated to soft blue and pink clouds that looked like cotton candy.

Here are some pictures so you can enjoy along with us.


  1. Replies
    1. Nope. Just because you didn't see a sunset at the cottage, doesn't mean they don't exist. :-)
