Tuesday 9 October 2012

Sorry Toys R Us

We have two children so naturally, our house is full of toys. Bursting at the seams, in fact. I pride myself on not being toy crazy, but somehow we still seem to have toys everywhere. I know there has to be some secret toy organization scheme out there that would keep my house from looking like an exploded daycare, but that's a topic for another day.

Today, I want to talk about dinky cars and Barbies and annoying electronic balls that talk and plastic tool sets and Fijits and more annoying plastic electronic toys and stuffed animals and paper. Yup, paper. Because after all the hours of shopping and fretting about getting the 'right' toys, all they really want to play with - what makes them laugh the hardest - regardless of how old they are, is paper.

Now if only Santa could remember this little lesson in two months time!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a lot of fun ... I should try this as a stress reliever.
