Friday 12 October 2012

Welcome to the jungle

What a week! Why is it that short weeks always feel the longest?

We live in a pretty constant state of chaos in our house, but last week we took it to a whole new level. In addition to the daily insanity that is our mornings and evenings, we had to deal with a trifecta of extra crises.

Critters. In our house. Little ones. Little mouse size ones and even littler ant size ones. Ugh.

Old house blues. Our beautiful house is also an old house. Which means there's always something that's breaking or needs fixing. This week it was the furnace and our main drain backing up. Thank goodness for furnace protection plans and an accommodating plumber who over the years has become well acquainted with our drainage system.

Cry baby. After sleep training Ryan at about 7 months old, he has been sleeping through the night ... mostly. He's on a pretty regular schedule of sleeping well for a couple of weeks and then having a few unsettled nights. Guess which part of his cycle he was on last week? I get through the long nights (and longer mornings) by reminding myself that he won't still be doing this when he's a teenager.

I've been coping surprisingly well with all the extra fun going on around here. Although that may just be all the wine I'm drinking! Next week will be better, right?!?!

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